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1. 2012 predictions
2012, doomsday, end of the world, anunnaki, zacharia sitchen, astroids, comets, supernova, sun, prophesies
2. Around and about
It is about my home town of fishkill ny. some history,maps,whats new, what you will see in and around fishkill,and affilliate page
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4. Brecon mines limited
The company owns eighty percent (80%) equity interest in tremalt ltd in democratic republic of congo, a company incorporated under the laws of congo and the company holds an additional option to purchase the remaining twenty percent (20%) equity interest
5. Cashfiesta
A subsequent sang surfing wangzhuan advertising companies, a large scale, the world of registered employees, have a good reputation, support off the assembly line, is now relatively well-known society wangzhuan project relied on the views, promote very p
6. Climate & change
One stop space to learn climate change/global warming issues including article, events, books, tips, and in some related information of biofuel, biodiesel,forest and biodiversity. it's about why our global ecosystem has changes and how the global commun
7. Country issuess
My blog gives and talk about certin issuess that go around the world and i am the one to tell it. it not much but get down to the met. i give my time and afford to this
8. Eco alternative energy
Renewable energy is energy generated from nature resources such as sunlight, water, wind. this energy is called as green power because it doesn't pollute the nature while usage nor producing. the fossil fuels supplies are going to perish people
9. Gardening
Gardening is the practice of growing flowering plants, vegetables, and fruits. residential gardening most often takes place in or about a residence, in a space referred to as the garden
10. Indian beliefs
It is all about indian you can find the difference between indian beliefs that are good for us and also some superstitions which are believed to be beliefs of india.
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